Reconciling all things in Christ. August 7 - 11, 2025. More info below.
Reconciling all things in Christ. August 7 - 11, 2025. More info below.
Current Lectionary here
Common liturgies here
Papers & Articles here
Did you know that the Evangelical Orthodox Church is in an official learning agreement with Horizon College and Seminary. You can read more about Horizon here.
We are excited to extend you an invitation to the Evangelical Orthodox Church’s (EOC) conference - Reconciling All Things in Christ. We warmly welcome you to beautiful Saskatchewan, Canada, the Land of Living Skies, August 7 - 10, 2025.
If you are a current member in the EOC, interested in knowing more about or pursuing membership in the Evangelical Orthodox Communion of churches, or simply frustrated by having to choose between some good treasures of the Church at the expense of others, we invite you to join us for what we are certain will be a very informative and hopefully life-changing time.
The conference will present engaging public lectures and reflections in the evenings with Gordon T. Smith, Vesper Stamper and Bp. Joshua Beecham, as well as an exciting weekend program with workshops, activities, good meals, fellowship and times of prayer and worship for all ages. All venues will be within walking distance of the beautiful South Saskatchewan River.
God, through His Son by the Holy Spirit is at work in the world, reconciling all things to Himself and making all things new. The EOC strives to be part of that ministry of reconciliation, not only between God and people, but also between all the good treasures and paradoxes of the Church that have been torn apart.
We look forward to welcoming you to Saskatoon and the Prairies of Canada for a
conference we believe will give glory to God and nurture your heart.
Bp. Joshua Beecham (EOC Presiding Bishop, Indianapolis)
Bp. Jakob Palm (EOC Saskatoon)
To register for the conference please submit the conference
fee through this link:
St Porphyrios Mission lead by Bp. Mike Quigley (third from left).
The EOC is happy to welcome St Thomas EOC in Edgemoor, South Carolina, into the communion! Please read more about the new parish here
To support our work and vision please connect with us. The EOC is involved in a range of ministries. Education, micro-enterprise, agriculture, water, and health. Please send an email to presiding bishop Joshua Beecham,
will be hosted in
SASKATOON, CANADA by Bp Jakob Palm and his faithful in August 2025.
As some information about the Evangelical Orthodox Church (EOC) on Wikipedia is left out and somewhat misrepresenting, we would like to direct the readers attention to the Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States (page 834 - 836), edited by George Thomas Kurian and Mark A Lamport for a more comprehensive and accurate description of the current state and history of the EOC. You can read the entry by clicking the "History of the EOC" button under "Resources" here to the left. The EOC will continue to pursue the editors of the current article about the EOC on Wikipedia for improved accuracy of our current state and history.
Welcome to the Web Pages of the Evangelical Orthodox Church.
We welcome your interest and your prayers on our behalf and that of our world as well.
All that Christ accomplished for us through His suffering, death, resurrection, ascension, and the
sending of the Spirit is made possible by His human birth this night in a manger. The Son of
God not only yielded himself to the limitations of mortal flesh that He might restore it to glory,
but He is pleased to be clothed forever in the flesh that He fashioned. Who can fathom the
incredible mercy, humility, mystery, and love that He manifested in taking on our humanity for all eternity? I penned a poem to try and grapple with that reality. It is in the form of an
antiphonal dialogue with the Lord, and found here.
May God bless you in this New Year of our Lord.
+ Joshua Beecham (bishop, presiding)
Read more about Bp Thomas and St Peters Evangelical Orthodox Church in Sweden (Swedish)
Read more about Bp Mike and St Porphyrios EOC Mission Center.
Written by Pentecostal pastor and orthodox theologian Peter Halldorf, "To love your neighbours church as your own" informs the reader about the nature of the Church and her intrinsic unity. Now translated into english and available here
Join us in worship and prayer!
The Evangelical Orthodox Church is a communion
of churches within the one, holy, catholic and apostolic
church. We are a sincere and vital body of believers who
have been touched by the love and grace of God, and
we've committed ourselves to the ancient faith while
embracing our evangelical roots.
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible; And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten from the Father before all time, Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created; consubstantial with the Father, through whom all things came into being: Who for us all and because our salvation came down from heaven, was made flesh by the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried; and rose on the third day, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father; and will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead! His kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who is worshipped and glorified together with the Father and the Son, Who spoke through the prophets; and in One, Holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church. We confess one baptism for the remission of sins. We look forward to the Resurrection of the dead, and the Life of the age to come. Amen.